Dante Adventure – Stand Still

steering-wheel-2209953_640The woman in the car next to us was making the honking with a very angry look on her face. It was as though she thought that everyone else was going to listen to her and suddenly move out of the way. This was not so. Everyone, including her, were all stuck here together.

Skipper tried barking to her, but you really couldn’t hear much over the sound of the rain and the honks of the cars. I tried convincing him to relax for a bit, but he was bound and determined to tell her about how awesome his toy collection was.

Gracie was playing with the radio thingy on the dash, making some extra noise. This was possibly done because there wasn’t enough to listen to yet. I think she likes the noise, and for this reason, Skipper and I sing many songs to her.

But before we could begin our song, Gracie decided to do something different. The honking woman that had been next to us finally moved up and out of the way, making the way that Gracie wanted to go. And we went. We went really fast.

We didn’t know what to do, the ride was not anything we were expecting. There were way too many bumps and bounces to count, and we were making all the splashes too. I guess Gracie gets away with that even though we get in trouble when we do it during the baths.

So we laid low in the backseat. I peeked up every now and then to see what was going on around, but Skipper was less eager to check things out and was currently trying to tuck under the big fluffy jacket on the floor. His fluffy bottom was up in the air with his legs pattering at the air trying to dig down for safety. I don’t blame him, it was definitely not the type of trip we’d signed up for.

The bouncing continued for a while, which felt like a long while, and then it went away. We were still moving, but it was smooth now. And guess what… we were moving too. I checked to see whether the coast was clear, and sure enough, the rain was still there but the honking cars were not. We passed them by slowly, now moving while they remained still, probably a little envious of our mobile condition.

“Yeah!” we whooped. “We’re finally free!”

I jumped back on the front seat and Skipper was struggling to climb back up to take a look. There wasn’t really that much to see, but at least it was changing as we moved along.

“Okay, now let’s pull over here,” Skipper barked, eyeing some of the trees.

“Yes, we has to go potty,” I chimed in, making sure to snort in Gracie’s ear.

But she wasn’t having it. We were on a mission or something. Skipper and I had no idea where our destination was, but we did know one thing for sure…now that we were on the road again, it was time for a song!


Jason Duron is a short story writer and author of several fiction stories. Curious and lovable as dogs can be, the Adventures of Rocky, Nixi, and Dante give you a chance to see daily life from a “dog’s eye view” and share in their thoughts.  Please enjoy, and we hope that you’ll feel free to comment and give us insight into your dog’s very own adventures.