Dante Adventure – Watched Dogs

dog-333488_640The smell of delicious dinner foods was hovering in the air. Skipper and I waited patiently (in appearance only) outside the kitchen doorway. We weren’t aloud any closer as was strongly recommended by Gracie’s mama. It’s still recommended too as I noticed by the careful eye that occasionally shifted over to where we were sitting, just to make sure we were being good boys.

Gracie strolled through the doorway, carrying some food stuffs to the big table. We would have followed, but we weren’t allowed over there either. Quite frankly, I’m pretty sure we were in the only spot we could be right now. Even the sofa was off limits since grandpapy was currently napping there.

I peeked into the kitchen again, trying to get a better smell of how things were going. My nose had barely breached the doorway when grandmama turned and stared hard at me. It was like she had some special radar or something. No dog could deceive her let alone slip in unawares.

“I’m really hungry,” Skipper whined.

“Well, I don’t know what to do,” I woofed. “There’s no way we’re even getting a taste-test let alone a snack to tide us over.”

Skipper’s belly grumbled an argument against such things. Things were much stricter around here than at home though. It was hard just to taste the air without gaining the suspicion of our friends as they shuffled about the kitchen.

“Maybe we should do something else, you know to get our noses off the food smells,” Skipper huffed and looked around.

He was right about that. We were just sitting here waiting for the food, but it wasn’t helping our bellies at all. It was more like it was just making me hungrier. Hungry dog.

“Let’s see what’s outside then,” I advised.

Under careful watch of our pals, we relocated to the doorway leading outside. It was closed, but we could see outside and sniff through the screen covering of the door. Big Jim, as Gracie had called him, was staring at us from the front porch beyond the screen door. Even he was eyeballing us. We couldn’t go anywhere without being watched by something or someone.

The biggest of all the chickens led out his mighty cry. So we decided to see what else we could do to keep our minds off of the delicious smells floating about the house. From there, we traveled to the sofa room where Gracie’s pa-paw was napping and snoring loudly.

“Let’s check him for leftovers,” Skipper whispered.

We slipped in close and sniffed around for any crumbs or leftover chips. Almost immediately, the snoring stopped. Skipper and I froze and listened. All remained still for the moment, not even a whisker twitched.

Then Skipper’s belly grumbled again. And in a flash, grampapy had his paws on us and rubbed our heads super fast, flopping ears all about and sort of disorienting me.

“Let’s go eat, boys,” grampapy ruffed loud and clear.

Before we could warn him that there was a careful watch on all the food stuffs, he was up and on his way to the table. There he stood, staring at the source of all the wonderful smells. Gracie and gramama gave the hard-stares that would freeze any pup in their place. It didn’t work on him though. He snatched up a hunk of food and proceeded to snack upon it with a happy grin.

I don’t know if he did it on purpose or what, but it was the messiest I’ve ever seen anyone eat before. Delicious samples dropped down to the floor, which were gathered back up with no problem at all between us pups paired up with our grampapy pal.


Jason Duron is a short story writer and author of several fiction stories. Curious and lovable as dogs can be, the Adventures of Rocky, Nixi and Dante give you a chance to see daily life from a “dog’s eye view” and share in their thoughts.  Please enjoy, and we hope that you’ll feel free to comment and give us insight into your dog’s very own adventures.