Dog Journal – Entry 113: Being Nervous in the Doc’s Office

dog-1912874_640I’ve noticed something about going to the doctor. It’s not very fun. And I’m not just barking about the cold table and the shots, this has a lot more to do with the waiting. Oh yes. Everything leading up to the visit makes me nervous every time.

This is primarily due to the situation I was in last time. So I’ll tell you about it, and maybe you could recommend somewhere a little…hopefully a lot less stressful.

The biggest problem I had was that they won’t let you chat with the other pups. You gotta be quiet and all that. No sniffing around and absolutely no potty inside, even when the other dogs do it.

Perhaps the most annoying issue is simply having to wait for your turn. It seems to take forever. What is there to do? Well, you just sit there and occasionally ask your pal if it’s time yet. I’m a dog. I don’t like waiting and I really don’t like staying still unless there’s treats involved. And the doc is always telling my pal to cut back on the treats, so there’s another point against him even if he is right.

Also, they never have any cool games to play. It’s like they’re trying to make you anxious in that little room with the cold floor. Maybe they’re testing you, just to see if you’re not like Lucas the pup that went bonkers chasing his tail.

Then there’s the cold floor. No carpet, no snuggly pillows, no towel. It’s like the bathroom floor. It’s like they’re trying to make you feel on edge about everything. What if the doc tells you to take a bath too? Or maybe even three! As if the one last month wasn’t enough.

Every time I’ve been to the doc’s office it’s just not cool. The best part is the treat at the end, but that’s about it. So if you have any cool docs to recommend to a pup like me or others out there, please brag on them so I can work on convincing my pal to visit them next time.