Dog Journal – Entry 175: Annoyances

scared-2640475_640My friend keeps certain things around the house that are just clearly not needed. In fact, they’re so useless, the only reason I think he keeps them around is to drive me crazy. He knows I don’t like them, but they’re here anyway.

Possibly the most notoriously annoying things I know of lies waiting in the hallway closet. It should stay there, but my friend keeps on inviting it out to try and eat my tail. After a few bouts and a good barking, he’ll finally get the idea and put it back where it belongs.

However, there’s also the lawn mower. I know it’s not allowed inside, but it’s so ridiculously loud it might as well be. I thought I could make some noise, but that clanky thing has to go around and around the yard for at least half an hour before it finally goes back to sleep. Luckily, it only comes out when it’s warm and not to often because nothing I do seems to intimidate it at all. But I do like the smell of the the grass after the mower’s chomped on it for a bit, so maybe it’s not all that bad.

The mower’s buddy, the weed wacker thingy that likes to smack the fence does make a racket too. And they come in a pair so it’s double trouble all afternoon. There’s no outside time, no throw the ball around, no pat on the head for defending the kitchen from such hungry things. Nope, all I get to do is bark from the window while my friend takes these annoying things for their walks. And I thought we were best friends.

But back inside for a moment, I just realized that dryer is back to shaking around in it’s little room. The door’s usually closed, but sometimes it does get left open and I can tell the dryer is trying escape again. The cool thing is that when the dryer does get done doing it’s thing, out come the fresh clothes piles. And if there’s one thing I like doing, it’s putting fresh smelling clothes all around the house, especially the socks. Yeah, mostly the socks.

Oh, and I also  like the can opener though. That’s a really good alert to what’s cooking. And I like the lamp. I don’t know why, but it’s so fascinating, especially when the moths come inside and dance around it. Could watch it for hours.

So not all the annoying things around the house are totally bad. There’s always something good about it, or at least in the end everything turns out just fine. Except for the vacuum. Nothing good ever comes out of having that thing around at all.