Dog Journal – Entry 198: I Have a Friend

dog-454145_640One of the awesome things about being me is that I have a pal to pal around with. Yeah, it’s great and the best part is, we’re the bestest friends. I’m pretty sure we’ve been friends since I was a little puppy in fact, all those many moons ago. And even though I’m getting a little older now, we always find some fun to get into.

My friend is always around to keep me company, so I don’t have to worry about being alone. At least not for too long. Of course my friend has to go do all the stuff and get the food things and snacks and who knows what else is out there. But he always comes back, just like he promised.

And when we do have time to play, he prefers to throw the ball most of the time, but I have to bring it to him. If I don’t, then he goes back to doing whatever it was he was doing before. But if I bring him the tug’n rope, I can drag him out of his comfy seat so he’ll play the full game with me.

But we’re not always having fun together at home. When we go on trips, he let’s me be the navigator, but I really have no idea where we’re supposed to be going. But we eventually find a place to be, and then we’re there. So our teamwork works out at the end of the day.

We’re such a great team, he even shares his food with me…sometimes. Well, mostly he’s just a messy eater and drops a whole bunch of goodies. Occasionally I’ll get a bite of a something he’s got, but only after a whole lot of persuasion and some dancing and showing off some cool tricks and singing a good song for him.

Possibly the best part is that he always reminds me that I am the good girl so I won’t forget. I think all pups need to hear that, because we do tend to be a little forgetful sometimes. That’s okay though, I always know my friend’s around to back me up when I need it most.

I’m thankful for my friend, I don’t know who gave him to me, but I do know I wouldn’t have picked any other friend I’d rather be pals with than this one. Now if only he’d learn how to cook on his own…