Dog Journal – Entry 86: Signs

dog-916099_640We dogs have our list of habits, like eating, napping, receiving belly rubs and being cute. Little do many dogs realize is that our peoples have habits of their own. Sure, we’re aware that most of our pals will disappear for most of the day, only to return with bags of food stuffs or cool toys. But there are some signs to look for when their habit is about to change…you know, like going to the fur-cutters instead of taking a trip to the park.

Loading up? First of all, always question why you’re supposed to get into the car. Where’s the food you’re gonna eat at while walking at the park? Plenty to drink? Is it a picanic? Where’s the toys? Any balls to throw or ropes to wrestle with? And pup-sonally, if your pal is carrying papers with them instead of toys, hide under the bed and re-negotiate the situation.

When it’s bathtime? Yeah, this can be a sneaky one if you aren’t looking for the signs. Always listen for running water. That’s a tale-tail sign for sure. Also, the open ended question “Are you ready?” means it’s time to hide for sure.

Did they eat without you? You can always sniff it on your pal’s paws. And if they won’t let you sniff their paws for any reason, they’re definitely trying to sneak in a few chips without letting you in on the un-scheduled snacktime.

Are you leaving? The old “I’ll be right back” guarantee is quickly signed off when you hear the keys jingling. Do not be deceived, but at least when they get back, your pal is likely to have some delicious food-stuffs with them that you can incessantly beg them for until they cave and decide to finally share.

Needless to woof, there are many signs and signals to look for when ‘figuring out what your sneaky friends are up to. Just remember to sniff things out for yourself and don’t just jump in the tub the first time you’re called or you may end up taking a bath on it.