Nixi Adventure – Feast Day Patience

turkey-24400_640There were dozens of feet shuffling about the apartment. Nixi kept her curly tail tucked close just in case someone wasn’t paying attention to where they were stepping. As she navigated around the sofa and back into the kitchen, Nixi woofed greetings to alert people to her presence, and hopefully gain some access to any leftover snacks.

Jewel was busy snacking in the kitchen. Her bowl was being licked clean by the time Nixi had discovered that some food had been dispensed for the pups. Of course, Nixi’s tardiness had cost her a chance at any leftover pebbles since Jewel had been so quick to clean up both portions.

Jewel burped. Nixi made a face of sore displeasure. Brandon grunted as he wrestled with the huge turkey, trying to stuff it back into the oven after basting it for the final time. The rest of the people in the kitchen made their own noise as they conversed about food stuffs and such things that were secret from the pups.

“What did you do with my food?” Nixi demanded.

Jewel looked away, staring at anything but her friend. Her coy game was falling through. Any pup could tell she was trying hard to avoid being questioned, but even the sliest pup couldn’t put one past clever Nixi.

Nixi checked her bowl and then proceeded to tell on Jewel. Yes, she told on her friend. It wasn’t that she was trying to get any one in trouble, she was actually hoping that someone would go ahead and compensate some fresh food in the stead of what she’d lost out on.

But no one was listening.  Nixi was not a quitter though. She felt that old hound dog feeling come up in her belly and giving up was not an option. She pawed Brandon’s slippers, trying to get his attention. Nothing was working.

Brandon continued his mission, focused and steadfast. The dressing must be prepared. Forks clattered against plates somewhere high above on the counter top as Brandon and the others prepared food stuffs for themselves.

Down below, Nixi grew anxious. Her belly was begging for a snack, and all the scents of food floating in the air weren’t making things any smoother. This was not a cool scenario for a pup to be in. Of course, it was probably worse for the turkey roasting in the oven, but Nixi wasn’t worried about where the bird came from…just what flavor it was going to be when it was ready.

Impatiently, Nixi went around to the other slippers and socks that wandered around the kitchen floor, pawing at them and telling her tale of hunger. But no one would listen. No one would hear her story.

How could this be? There was food everywhere and yet Nixi was starving? Maybe the next moment would bring some relief…maybe the food would be ready if Nixi just waited one second more…


Jason Duron is a short story writer and author of several fiction stories. Curious and lovable as dogs can be, the Adventures of Rocky, Nixi and Dante give you a chance to see daily life from a “dog’s eye view” and share in their thoughts.  Please enjoy, and we hope that you’ll feel free to comment and give us insight into your dog’s very own adventures.