There weren’t that many toys on the floor. Fewer than usual, especially because of the company that was over. Brandon And Nixi had their friends over for a visit and a meal. This was a grand thing, and there was much excite. However, it was not that way before the company had arrived.
Prior to the arrival, Nixi and Shuffles had argued firmly against the cleaning of the apartment. This was a terrible idea that was not only annoying, but a downright reversal of all the effort to get the rooms just the way that was needed for an awesome playtime full of racing and all the fun things that dogs do while their pal is away at work.
It started with the picking up of the toys. Nixi kept having to fetch the toys out of the box and scatter them all over the floor again. It took Brandon at least three tries before he had to stash the pups in the bedroom until all the toys were secured.
Things of this nature continued as the vacuum and broom cleaned up the floor. This drove the pups to barking and wrestling and just plain getting in the way. They gave it their best efforts though, especially in the hallway where there was no escape for the vacuum. Nixi and Shuffles had it and Brandon in a tight spot, but when the rug was sucked up into the machine, the terrible noise sent both pups ducking for cover behind the nearest door.
Eventually the apartment was clean and the pups were calm now that the excitement was over. Or was it? Indeed, there is reason to all of Brandon’s compulsive cleaning trend. And now that there’s visitors over, the pups have calmed down a whole lot. They knew to be on their best behavior or they might end up missing out on the fun. They were particularly interested in playing with Jewel, who had tagged along with her friend. Brandon’s always busy, so it’s nice when everyone gets a chance to hang out together.
The group was altogether now, and the pups were racing around the sofa, though Jewel was cheating and hopping over the sofa to make sure she stayed in the lead. But that was okay, because Shuffles was counting two for every one lap he ran, so he could maintain his number one spot. However, Nixi had them both beat, she stopped and stood to the side and simply declared herself the winner.
While the pups argued as to who actually won the races, their friends were planning something else. This was something out of the ordinary, and not on the regularly scheduled program. Brandon had come up with a plan and had managed to keep every detail so well hidden that no pup would have expected what was to come next. All the things that had happened had been according to plan, but they were not the plan. Oh no, something else was in store for the group.
So they weren’t hanging out together. At least not in the apartment anyway. Again, it was just a distraction from the real objective, possibly to keep the pups guessing at every twist and turn. They’d prepped the home so nice and clean, and the pups don’t even get to have fun turning it back into a mess.
Instead, they were headed for the car. A strange event indeed for the group. Such a large group, peoples and pups. And there were the snacks too. Oh yes, one can never forget snacks for a quick summer trip. But were they going to eat them? With everything else shifting with guesswork at every corner, they were just going to have to wait and see when they get there…
Jason Duron is a short story writer and author of several fiction stories. Curious and lovable as dogs can be, the Adventures of Rocky, Nixi and Dante give you a chance to see daily life from a “dog’s eye view” and share in their thoughts. Please enjoy, and we hope that you’ll feel free to comment and give us insight into your dog’s very own adventures.