Nixi Adventure – Never Give Up


Jewel would not get off of Nixi. It was a racing match that had turned into a strange scene of a dog pile where Nixi was at the bottom and Jewel was just all smiles. It was just a simple game played for fun, but things had gotten serious when Nixi had refused to give up the ball.

Now Nixi was pinned down, but she wasn’t letting go. No way, no how. It was her trophy and a symbol of her victorious triumph over the much larger and agile Jewel, and it was owed to the secret of the curly tail slap. Yes, she’d used her tail to distract her bestest opponent ever, and it had gained her victory in the match.

But Jewel had called it a sneaky play, and refused to give up the trophy ball that she’d clearly won. There wasn’t much discussion before Jewel decided to use her weight in the matter. Jewel was a bit bigger than Nixi, so her weight did play a factor in the matter.

Jewel tackled Nixi three times before Nixi tried to find sanctuary in the sofa cushions. This turned out to be a terrible idea and Jewel was able to sit on Nixi, pinning her in the fluffy cushions where there was almost no chance of escape.

Nixi was pinned, but she still wouldn’t give up the ball. She’d won it fair and square and Jewel wasn’t going to convince her otherwise. So one might easily say that Nixi was a little stubborn. Well…she was really stubborn in this instance. She was so stubborn that despite the heavy weight sitting right on top of her, she still wouldn’t give up the ball.

In fact, Nixi immediately began squeaking the ball, trying to send the message that she was happy with her awesome trophy and nothing else mattered right now. Not even something as uncomfortable as one of her best friends sitting right on top of her.

“Give up the trophy and let’s have a do-over,” Jewel demanded.

Nixi squeaked the ball louder to show that she was content with her ball, the trophy, and the victory. She didn’t try to speak, since she might lose the ball or Jewel might see it as an opportunity to take it when the grip was loosed.

“Let’s just bark about this calmly,” Jewel continued to urge.

Nixi squeaked the ball to declare a “no.” Then she made the face, communicating her stubbornness. Of course, Jewel was just as stubborn in this case. Basically, neither pup was budging. Nixi was stuck, and Jewel was actually stuck too when you think about it.

Everyone was stuck. The dogs were stuck, the ball was stuck, and even Brandon was stuck in the line down at the grocery store, but that isn’t important right now. What is important is how things got unstuck.

Nixi squeaked her ball even louder. Jewel made faces and tried to convince Nixi to just give up. Neither pup was giving up though, and the fun had gone out of the day. Nixi was starting to realize being stuck wasn’t any fun. Jewel was sort of feeling the urge to potty. And the ball was just stuck in the middle of things.

Nixi let the ball roll away. “I’m getting tired.”

“I need to potty,” Jewel woofed back.

The ball rolled onto the floor as Jewel bounded down and ran over to the front door. Nixi ran into the kitchen and lapped up a cool drink of water. The ball sat still on the floor and was thought of no more.

And luckily for Jewel, the keys sounded and unlocked the door and Brandon strolled in with his bags of food and awesome stuff. But that wasn’t important right now. Jewel had to go. It was sort of an emergency too.

Leashes ready, Brandon took both pups out into the hall and downstairs to take care of business, and possibly find themselves in another adventure.


Jason Duron is a short story writer and author of several fiction stories. Curious and lovable as dogs can be, the Adventures of Rocky, Nixi and Dante give you a chance to see daily life from a “dog’s eye view” and share in their thoughts.  Please enjoy, and we hope that you’ll feel free to comment and give us insight into your dog’s very own adventures.

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