Nixi Adventure – New Park

bench-1534205_640Brandon had never been to this particular park before. It was a very nice one indeed, with many trees to give shade and green grass to roll around on, along with people and ducks and dogs alike. There were all the things here, and the pups were most excite about the new playplace.

They wandered around, searching and exploring the area. Nixi tugged along one direction while Shuffles tugged another. Brandon simply kept the pace, holding tight to the leashes so no one would wander off.

Eventually, they settled down in a spot to play. The picnic table sat under a big pecan tree, now being covered in supplies and toys. There were some snacks and such as well, but those were planned for later. In the meantime, the pups were set at liberty to wander around and explore as long as they stayed close.

This was a good idea, however the pups were bound to wander further at some point. This was eventual, but not yet. The bushes and the table and all the bugs and other neat things must first be inspected and tested for playability. And you never know, many bugs have been found to be super entertaining, at least that’s Shuffle’s pupsonal opinion. And he’s a dog, so he should know best.

After Brandon had laid out all the things, it was playtime, and the ball launcher was brought out. It was such a cool toy, but not for use in the apartment (the tests had proved fatal for the pictures on the wall and the clock that used to sit on the counter.) Now that they were out in the open though, it was the perfect chance to test things out and really see what fun could be done.

The first ball was bounced across the grass, easy enough for the pups to chase and catch without much of a challenge. Nixi brought it back, triumphant in her efforts, while Shuffles shuffled up behind her, still trying to snag the ball away.

Brandon got the ball back after a light wrestle, and then launched it again. This time the aim was higher, much higher. In fact, it might have been a little too high, and to the right as well. The ball sailed off toward a tree, bounced off and landed somewhere in the bushes.

Before anything could be done to stop the pups from running so far to fetch, the race had gotten away from Brandon and the pups were gone.

Nixi sniffed around the bushes, looking for the ball. It had most surely landed here somewhere. Shuffles had a pinecone, chewing it to make sure it didn’t squeak.

“I fou’d da bah,” Shuffles mumbled between chews.

“No you didn’t,” Nixi ruffed and sniffed through the bush some more. “It’s over here somewhere.”

“QUACK!” squealed the duck as it flapped out of it’s nest and dashed through the bushes.

“The duck has got it!” Nixi barked and gave chase.

The pair of pups rushed towards the spot where the duck had flapped through and they too bounced through. But they didn’t land where they wanted. Apparently, it was time to go for a spontaneous swim at the park. They splashed around, trying to figure out where they’d gone wrong, while the duck floated away, still quacking to her friends about how much she liked the other park up north far better.

Brandon stood on the shore, calling the pups to him. He wasn’t about to get wet. At least not in this pond. Not really in the mood for a swim, but he had found the ball. It floated along the edge of the pond, just within reach.

But he was too late to win this one. A turtle popped up out of the water and spooked the man silly, so silly in fact that he lost his balance. And they all went for a swim. It was a nice day for the friends indeed.


Jason Duron is a short story writer and author of several fiction stories. Curious and lovable as dogs can be, the Adventures of Rocky, Nixi, and Dante give you a chance to see daily life from a “dog’s eye view” and share in their thoughts.  Please enjoy, and we hope that you’ll feel free to comment and give us insight into your dog’s very own adventures.