Nixi Adventure – Sick Day

cold-156666_640Nixi cuddled up on the bed, not exactly totally enthralled with her current situation. She’d woken up early this morning thinking she’d be hungry, but that urge to snack wasn’t there. Instead, her belly gurgled and her nose sniffled and her ears felt funny. Something wasn’t right, and her normal peppy attitude was diminished.

Brandon rubbed his friend down, cooing to her and trying to cheer her up. But there was only a mild wagging of the tail before Nixi closed her eyes and tried to sleep it away. So Brandon left her to nap and hoped she’d be better by lunchtime.

But this was not a mutual agreement between the residents of the apartment. Nope, the other rascally friend had given all his attention to making his pal feel better. After all, what fun is it to play all alone. Two is such a better number.

Shuffles put another ball up on the bed. When Nixi didn’t do much more than sniff it, he went back for more. And more. The tug-rope, the ball on a rope, the squeaky alligator, and even Brandon’s left slipper that had gone missing last winter. There was lots of things up on the bed with his friend, but nothing seemed to be cheering her up.

When nothing seemed to be working, Shuffles left off to come up with a bigger and better plan. He’d think on it while he munched some mid-morning food snacks and tidbits he’d hidden behind the sofa yesterday.

So Nixi tried to nap, but her belly grumbled her back awake. It wasn’t hungry, just upset about something. But she couldn’t figure out why it was so angry all of a sudden. Was it the napkin she ate when no one was looking? What about the crunchy things she’d weaseled out from behind the sofa cushions? Or maybe it was the bug she’d nabbed while playing in the bushes downstairs? Nah, couldn’t be anything of the sort. It was just a misunderstanding.

Brandon popped back in to see what he could help negotiate with the obnoxious tummy that grumbled for some absurd reason. Nixi sniffed the sweet bit of delicious snack that Brandon offered her. It smelled sooooo good, but she couldn’t bring herself to do more than lick it for a taste. It was indeed very good, but she did not eat the snack.

Shuffles returned just in time to spot the food thing that was available. And his plan went into action directly. He rushed and hopped and bounced up on top of the bed, juggling Nixi out of her spot and onto her feet.

And at that, Nixi’s belly grumbled up out of her mouth and let out a burp that scared Shuffles so much he forgot the very snack he had so eagerly hopped up there to get. Brandon dropped the treat and backed away, his eyes opened wide in astonishment.

“All better now,” Nixi woofed and nibbled up the snack.


Jason Duron is a short story writer and author of several fiction stories. Curious and lovable as dogs can be, the Adventures of Rocky, Nixi and Dante give you a chance to see daily life from a “dog’s eye view” and share in their thoughts.  Please enjoy, and we hope that you’ll feel free to comment and give us insight into your dog’s very own adventures.