Nixi Adventure – To The Rescue

cute-971365_640There wasn’t much for Nixi to do here. Really not that much at all. She wanted to do something, but there weren’t really that many options at the moment. Perhaps a wiggle of the ears or a wag of the tail from time to time, but not a whole lot a pup can do when you’re stuck in such a predicament.

It had all started early this morning when Shuffles had decided to knock all the pillows off the sofa. The resulting mess was a common inconvenience for Brandon, but was a mild thing compared to some of the more extreme messes that could be made. The resulting effects of the mess led to another problem though, one that probably could have been avoided had things not fallen into place so very coincidently.

The mess on the floor resulted in Brandon stumbling around. He didn’t pick anything up, possibly due to the hurry he was in to get to work. It was late, he’d woken up late, and time was ticking on making it later than it was a moment ago.

Nixi and Shuffles did not seem to mind the time, so it was hard for them to really understand why Brandon was in such a frenzy. Since a good fun game always cheered them up, they tried to get Brandon to join them so he could relax a little bit. And there was more frenzy with the pups underfoot, and the missing sock that Brandon had been looking for was now racing down the hall and under the bed.

It took a little time to get Shuffles to give up the sock, but eventually Brandon managed to get all his things together and left for work.  Nixi knew all of this because she could hear the door close and the jingle of the keys fade away into the distance. It wasn’t until then that she yelped for help. But it was too late.

Nixi rested in the nook of the bed’s headrest. It wasn’t like she’d planned on it, more like a slip of the paw in such an exciting race. But here she is, paddling at the air with her paws that dangled below into the under-the-bed place. And Shuffles was not helping things by tickling the dangling paws.

After some thudding around and a few wiggles, Nixi only managed to get herself stuck even more. Now the bed covers had tugged along and bunched up to really put a cork in any plans of squeezing out of this predicament.

Shuffles took full advantage of this by fooling around and purposely not helping. Rolling around on the bed, taunting Nixi to chase him, wondering out loud as to why his friend was just hanging around instead of bouncing around and having the fun.

“Get me out of here!” Nixi rumbled and shook the bed some more.

“Out of where?” Shuffles jested.

Nixi just stared at Shuffles as she slowly, very slowly, continued to sink below the edge of the bed. It was beginning to get a little scary, especially when you’re headed in a direction that you can’t see or feel. Yes, those paws were swinging in the air, but there was nothing solid to grasp, and it wasn’t known whether or not the floor was still somewhere below.

As his friend slowly disappeared below the edge of the bed, Shuffles became a little nervous himself. But what to do? He didn’t want to be left up here all alone. Brandon might be gone for a long day, and if Nixi left him, he wouldn’t know what to do with himself. Maybe chase his tail, but that would get boring after a while.

“No!” Nixi warned, “Don’t do it!”

But Shuffles would do it. He did the bounce on the bed like he’s not supposed to do, and he bounced and bounced. And eventually, he bounced right on top of Nixi, which was all planned of course. Out they both popped with a rather satisfying “woomf” of relief, landing in a heap on the floor below (it was still there waiting for them).

“We made it!” Shuffles ruffed happily.

“Yeah, we did…” Nixi looked up at the hole stuffed full of bed covers above. “But we should do it again, just to make sure it works… just in case.”


Jason Duron is a short story writer and author of several fiction stories. Curious and lovable as dogs can be, the Adventures of Rocky, Nixi, and Dante give you a chance to see daily life from a “dog’s eye view” and share in their thoughts.  Please enjoy, and we hope that you’ll feel free to comment and give us insight into your dog’s very own adventures.