Nixi Adventure – Total Chaos

chaos-485502_640There was a big commotion in the other room. Nixi and Shuffles had been snoozing soundly up until then, but they were awake now. Their ears darted to and fro, trying to figure out what in the world was going on over there. It sounded like someone was throwing the whole sofa around the room or something.

Nixi bounded into the room to see what Brandon was doing. Shuffles stayed behind since it was not yet lunchtime and he was dreaming of sunny days in the park at the moment, which things were far more important than wondering what strange commotion went on beyond the backs of his eyelids.

Brandon was indeed throwing around the sofa. Well, it was more like he was upsetting the furniture in a rude way. His expression was that of determination and the broom he handled was smacking the floor and the ceiling between swings.

It did not take long for the fan to start shaking, dancing around on the ceiling seemed to be the idea at the moment. Nixi circled her head, trying to keep an eye on the fan if it tried to make any sudden moves other than the one it was currently making.

“Stop that,” Nixi barked at all the things.

But the wild scene continued onward, and Brandon was determined to upset more furniture than was actually available. The sofa was scooted away from the table and the table was pulled from it’s place and all the stuff on top of it dropped to the ground.

Brandon was swinging the broom around at all the things. Everything was getting hit. Nothing was enjoying this, including Nixi. It was too wild, too out of place. This was not like Brandon at all. Normally, he enjoyed all the things so nice and tidy, organized and in their place.

Another innocent cushion was whopped across the room and that’s when Nixi saw the mouse in the house. This tiny rascal had slipped in unawares and was the cause of all this commotion. Something had to be done if she was going to save the day. Or at least preserve the kitchen from such a demolition.

“Shuffles!” Nixi barked, “We gotta fetch it!”

Without hesitation, the wiggly pup raced into the room, ready to fetch something, anything that needed a good fetching. And then he’d want to fetch it again of course because that’s how things worked.

Though the pups were on the case, there was no calming Brandon down. He was relentless. The mouse was scheduled to depart and the flight would not be missed. He swung again as the pups raced around the room trying to pounce on the wily little critter. It was a miss for the mouse, but a solid for the basket which went flying through the air.

After a bounce off the wall, the basket rolled on the ground and landed, open end down right on top of the squirrely little sneaker that had made it through so much only to be caught by sheer luck. Of course, the team took full credit for the effort, and don’t even try arguing with any of them. Everyone played a part and the plan rolled out flawlessly.

The cost however, was the sofa room. But it was a sacrifice Brandon was willing to make to sleep so soundly tonight. He sighed relief and patted his team on their fuzzy little heads in congratulations.

Then Shuffles nudged over the basket. “That was fun, let’s do it again!”


Jason Duron is a short story writer and author of several fiction stories. Curious and lovable as dogs can be, the Adventures of Rocky, Nixi and Dante give you a chance to see daily life from a “dog’s eye view” and share in their thoughts.  Please enjoy, and we hope that you’ll feel free to comment and give us insight into your dog’s very own adventures.