I was checking the yard and inspecting all the things as per my daily duties. The comfort of knowing that all was quiet and peaceable gave me happy dreams for my afternoon nap. And indeed, all seemed well today so I was a happy dog.
That’s when I saw the chase. Two flashes zoomed through the yard and raced around the garden. There wasn’t much noise, but they were tearing up the grass, and that was unacceptable.
So I got in on the chase, sounding the alarms and barking for them to pull over and settle down so I could find out what this was all about. It wasn’t hard to catch them, especially since they got caught in the little fence surrounding the garden.
“Hold it right there!” I barked. “What do you think you’re doing?”
The cats stared back at me with super wide eyes, frozen without any clear exit plan. There was no escape, they were mine now, and I was going to find out what sort of trouble they’d carried into my backyard.
“All of you stay right where you are,” another cat meowed from atop the fence. “I have some questions and you need to give me all the answers you’ve got.”
“Who are you?” I demanded.
“Sam the cat, detective,” the very large cat meowed. “And I’ll be asking all the questions from here on out.”
“We didn’t do anything!” one of the cats pinned against the garden fence pleaded.
“Oh yeah?” Sam gave a sly look, “then what about the curtains at Misses Apple Pie’s place?”
The two cats gave a guilty look to one another and tried to wiggle away from the growing crowd that was gathering. Even the birds had stopped and were listening in on the goings on about this all.
“We don’t know a thing about any missing apple pies,” one cat squeaked.
“Oh really?” Sam the cat gave a suspicious look.
I heard Buck from beyond the fence begin barking, asking who had some pie and if they would share or consider trading for a really cool stick. Some of the birds mocked, a few chirping that the two cats were indeed guilty.
“Perhaps you wouldn’t mind telling me where you two were this morning,” Sam meowed, “Oh say, about brunch time?”
The two cats whispered one to the other, their eyes darting and searching for a good escape route. I puffed up to look a little bigger, ruffling up my tail and swatting it all around to ensure that they knew I was ready for another chase.
“What about you!” Sam turned to me. “Where were you just moments before you were here?”
Confused that I was now in question, I froze and wondered. “Well, I was…”
“Out with it!”
“He’s guilty!” the cats meowed, trying to slink away. “He did it all!”
“Just as I suspected!” Sam the cat cooed. “It is now obvious to me that the bumble bees had to be the ones who started the chase.”
“What?” I ruffed. “What do bees have anything…”
“I’ll be asking all the questions,” Sam interrupted. “Now why did you eat the apple pie?”
“I didn’t eat any pie,” I barked. Buck was now super excite that there probably was some pie left somewhere.
“Then why did you take it?” Sam questioned harder as the two cats began slipping away.
“I didn’t take the pie,” I argued. “Those cats did it, I’m sure.”
“If you didn’t take the pie, then you must have eaten it on the spot,” Sam considered. “That means you ate it quick, fast, and in a hurry. No evidence, the perfect crime.”
“But I didn’t do it!”
“That’s exactly what the pie thief would say!” Sam nosed me with a glare.
I puffed up really big and wagged my tail furiously. “Okay then, if that’s how you cats are gonna play, then I’m kicking everyone out of my yard!” And the case was settled with a woof, a snap, and a bark. All the cats were gone and the courtroom was adjourned.
Everything was peaceful again. Quiet, with a few birds chirping in the distance. Then from somewhere beyond the fence, Buck asked, “So have you got any pie left for me?”
Jason Duron is a short story writer and author of several fiction stories. Curious and lovable as dogs can be, the Adventures of Rocky, Nixi, and Dante give you a chance to see daily life from a “dog’s eye view” and share in their thoughts. Please enjoy, and we hope that you’ll feel free to comment and give us insight into your dog’s very own adventures.