Rocky Adventure – Sleepover

dog-bed-30749_640The old man had left earlier to do some things that I was not supposed to help him with. At least that’s the conclusion that I’d come to since he’d left me here. But I’m not by myself. Nope. I’d been left here with my best buddy Buck and his pal Christy. Very nice then. Much better than staying home alone.

Buck rolled around on the floor, pretty much wapping everything with his branch of a tail. More like a tree maybe. A small tree, but it smacked as hard as a big one. I was compelled to catch it, but found myself jumping around instead. I jumped one way, then the other, dancing over Buck’s tail as it swung back and forth happily. It was way harder than it sounds too. Mostly because you really don’t know how that tail is going to wag or even if Buck is suddenly going to decide to get up and you have a whole new set of tricks to run through.

Eventually I tripped up. I was tackled. Buck turned over and I ended up sprawled out on the floor. I looked around to see if anyone was watching, and my audience was two. Both Buck and Christy were laughing at me.

“It’s not funny,” I growled. “I did that on purpose, you know.”

We argued about what was funny and what wasn’t for a while, but that got boring so we did way more important things, like plan a treat!

Christy made us a very delicious meal. We could smell it cooking and a baking and totally demanding to be eaten. Though we were not permitted to cross the line. The carpet was the boundary and there was no sneaking in there. We would have to wait until the treats were done with their cooking.

After what seemed like forever, the food was done and the treats were placed high up on the counter. Still no eating though. Now it has to cool according to Christy. Yuppers, that’s what she’s claiming. But we don’t trust her.

“She’s just hoping I’ll forget about them if we wait long enough,” Buck explained to me as our bellies hungered. “This happens all the time.”

“What should we do then?”

But Christy was wise to our conspiracy. She was watching us like a hawk, making sure that we didn’t get anywhere close to the goods. So we played like we were taking a nap. No good though. Instead of leaving us to our fake snoozing, she came and dragged us to the sofa.

I flopped down on the sofa, done with pretending to be asleep. Instead, I went for the playful and lovable me that cannot be resisted. Yes, I know I am adorable when I do this, and I will use this skill to get at those delicious treats.

But Buck was then dropped upon me, ending my play as quickly as it had begun.  I squeezed out from under Buck and hopped off the sofa and raced back to the kitchen. Maybe if I was fast enough, I could get me a treat before it’s too late!

I never even made it through the doorway though. We raced around the room, Christy following close behind, eager to catch us. She wasn’t giving up either, and I was definitely out of shape. Too many treats? I think not. Maybe not enough treats to give me the energy I need to get more treats.

By the time we made it into the kitchen, Buck was already there. The treats were on the floor, scattered, but quickly being gathered up by the vacuum of Buck’s belly. Before the last one could disappear, I snagged it up and was scooped up into the air with it. Christy tried to pry the baking hot treat from me, but I didn’t give it. Nope. I was putting it in a safe place where no one could touch it.

Our bellies were filled and we were pinned to the sofa. Christy was relaxing finally, tucking us deep into the pillows to ensure that we could not get into anymore trouble. And that’s where we spent the rest of the evening, or at least that’s what was planned…


Jason Duron is a short story writer and author of several fiction stories. Curious and lovable as dogs can be, the Adventures of Rocky, Nixi and Dante give you a chance to see daily life from a “dog’s eye view” and share in their thoughts.  Please enjoy, and we hope that you’ll feel free to comment and give us insight into your dog’s very own adventures.