Rocky Adventure – Snowed Inn

winter-1224075_640The outside was blanketed in the snowy stuff. I could see beyond the frosty window that all the things were bright and piled upon with the chilly wetness. It was definitely cold out there, probably like the fridge. But not in here.

The old man was warm by the fireplace, just a rocking back and forth as he stared hard at the book in his lap. Debbie was making the things to eat, some sweet smelling pies by the scent of it, and Izzy was watching her with impatience.

I had thought we’d be finding our way back home by now, but the snow had covered up all our tracks, so it’d be super hard to trace our path. And I really don’t trust the others to remember all the trees we passed on the way down here. I’ve know the old man to get lost in the closet before. He just sat there staring at his jackets for ever before realizing he’d already put the one he’d wanted on the sofa earlier. He’s funny like that sometimes though.

The thing is, I was getting the urge to go outside. It was nice and warm in here, but sort of boring too. And with all that untouched snow, I just feel the urge to romp through it and dig around. I don’t know why, I’m a dog. These are the sort of things I am compelled to do.

After a whole mess of convincing arguments, the old man reluctantly got up from his seat and put on his extra fluffy coat and boots. It took extra long for the boots. But finally, the door opened up to the cold and I was still stuck inside.

The snow had piled up against the door, high enough to block my path. The old man looked at me wondering what we should do. I didn’t know. I’d never seen this problem before. I sniffed the wall, examining it carefully as I calculated what needed to be done next.

In a flash, my impulsive friend blasted past me, plowing through the snowy wall, leaving a nice little trail behind him.

“Problem solved.” I woofed to the old man and followed the pathway.

Everything smelled the same. Other than trailing along somewhere behind Izzy, I wasn’t really sure where I was going. But it was nice to get out, and it wasn’t as cold as I thought it would be. I tried to climb out of the path a few times, but my belly just got soaked. Even the old man and his big boots stayed close behind.

Up ahead, there was a rustle of some sort, perhaps the sound of Izzy stuck in a bush or something. And when I happened upon my furry friend, that’s exactly what it was. Except now, my fluffy friend was soaked. It was sort of funny seeing him shrunk down to half his size. All that fur was nothing but fluff.

“Help, I couldn’t see where I was going,” Izzy yelped.

I tried to tug his clumps of wet fur, but we weren’t getting anywhere. Izzy was stuck fast in the snow-filled bush. No matter what we did, the sticks just seemed to dig in deeper into my pal’s fur, making things worse.

Moments later, the old man showed up, peering down into the blob of tangled mess. He thought about it and then thought about it again. Then with those bulky fuzzy mittens of his, he reached in and popped Izzy right out of where he was. And I realized what we were doing wrong. Izzy had landed on top of the bush, and we were trying to pull him down through it.

It helps to have a second pair of eyes that can see the situation from a different point of view. It would also help if we dogs could have an extra fur coat to put on so we didn’t have to sit next to the fire all soaking wet while we wait to dry out.


Jason Duron is a short story writer and author of several fiction stories. Curious and lovable as dogs can be, the Adventures of Rocky, Nixi and Dante give you a chance to see daily life from a “dog’s eye view” and share in their thoughts.  Please enjoy, and we hope that you’ll feel free to comment and give us insight into your dog’s very own adventures.