Category Archives: Tales

Dog Journal – Entry 191: Speak To Me

My friend keeps insisting that I know how to do this, but I don’t. I have no idea what he’s trying to get me to do. One thing I do know is that he is definitely trying to tell me something. I just wish I knew what he was saying. You see, my friend and […]

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Dog Journal – Entry 178: Tight Spot

There’s been a few times I’ve gotten myself into a situation that I wasn’t prepared to deal with effectively. And by that fancy sounding phrasing, I actually mean I got stuck. These things do happen, and they will continue to happen. So now that I’m here, I can remember some of the stickiest situations I’ve […]

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Nixi Adventure – Upward

Nixi and Shuffles waited for Brandon to open the door. It was a strange sort of dance with heads turning to and fro to check every move of their friend as well as just making sure the door was still there. “Open the door, hurry!” the pups whined in unison. Brandon was slow because he […]

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Rocky Adventure – Stay Warm

Things started out calm today. Back at home, Nibbles was excited to see us, but that was restricted to some purring in appreciation. Most of it was targeted to the old man who had simply bypassed the majority of our nightly chores and gone straight to bed. When we awoke the next morning, the house […]

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Dante Adventure – Visitors

The meal was nice, but the fun had yet to begin. Both Skipper and I had thought things were going to be just another day when we’d woken up this morning. And other than that pesky fiasco with the mouse in the house that had nibbled up all our food stuffs, things had simmered down […]

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Where’s the Food?

Okay, so the mouse is gone, but so is our food. All of it too. In fact, Skipper and I no longer have a single tidbit of food to eat. Well, there is a little bit stashed away in an undisclosed location, but we aren’t going to talk about that right now, especially with everyone […]

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