Category Archives: Rocky

Rocky Adventure – Double Surprise

I had no idea what the others were up to, but they were up to something. I could smell the sneaky things all around me. Where they plotting on me? Perhaps. But what was this all about? I’d woken up this morning to a full house, my familiar friends all hanging around. So that was […]

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Rocky Adventure – A Dash of Excitement (pt 2)

I didn’t know what to do. Should I hide? Run? Blame it on someone else? Yes, of course, I should do all of these. But in which order? Well I guess I’ll just have to figure that out as I move. Yes, there was no time to sit still and wait for someone to pin […]

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Rocky Adventure – A Dash of Excitement

This has seemingly stressed the old man to the point he was rushing around in too much of a hurry to pay any attention to me. And that must be stressful indeed. I know it was beginning to get on my nerves, but there really wasn’t much I could do about it right now. I […]

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Rocky Adventure – Excellent Trade

And the trade was no good. I knew I wanted at least the bone and the ball, but Izzy was holding out on me. It didn’t help that Buck had some pretty good stuff too, sort of making me compete against him while trying to get the really neat squeaky toy he’d found. We all […]

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Rocky Adventure – All Mine

It had all come down to who was going to get the bone. I really wanted it, but both Buck and Izzy wanted it too. And no matter who wanted it more, the others were always one up. I wanted it super bad, but Izzy wanted it super duper bad, and Buck just wanted it […]

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Dante Adventure – Sick Day

Shuffles bopped me again, nudging the ball further into my face with his nose. I wasn’t in the mood for playing games right now. I really wasn’t in the mood for anything at all really. Not that it wouldn’t be fun to play a game or something, but I just wasn’t feeling that great. In […]

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Rocky Adventure – Sick Day

My plans were all messed up when I awoke this morning. Rather than the usual time outside and a nice refreshing breakfast, we ended up sleeping in late. And I mean it was late. You see, the clock had made it’s song at the appointed time and was quickly silenced by the smack of a […]

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Rocky Adventure – The Doctor Is In

It hurt so bad! Oh, the pain was all over my leg, pinching it’s way past my tail and made my fur stand on end. I’d done the thing, the thing that has never been a good idea. I was just racing through the house, minding my own business when I tracked across the sofa […]

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Rocky Adventure – Anxiously Waiting

I had waited all night for my friends to get up, and now I was dog tired. I tried to nap, sleep and just try my hardest to pass the time, but it took forever. At least it felt like it did. Even the rhythmic snoring of the old man would not lull me to […]

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Rocky Adventure – Dog Piles

The old man raked up the leaves into fun piles for me to jump into. This is one of my favorite things to do, and he knows it. That’s why he makes sure the piles aren’t too big or too small. They’re just right for a good pouncing. However, Buck was beating me to the […]

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