Category Archives: Nixi

Nixi Adventure – Moving Day

Nixi had the anxiety. It was bad. Really bad. Her normally very squiggly tail was laid out flat on the rug, not wagging or doing anything really. Even her fur was a little tingly, and if one where to pet her their hand could probably tell something was up with the pup. From the living […]

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Nixi Adventure – To Grandma’s House

Nixi stared out the window, trying to figure out where they were. All the trees looked super strange, and that big water they’d passed by was really neat. Other things had whizzed by far too quickly to recognize. Brandon was enveloped in his driving and was far too focused on the road to help Nixi […]

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Nixi Adventure – The Show Must Go On

Nixi was still pouting because her ball had been taken away. All that fun to be had and no toy to perform with was giving all the reasons in the world to pout about the sofa room. She pattered back and forth, occasionally peering in to see if Brandon was looking back to see the […]

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Nixi Adventure – Bad Weather Rescue

If Nixi had known how cold it was outside, she wouldn’t have been so quick to squeeze through the door. And it wasn’t like it was an easy thing to do. One has to struggle against all odds to manage such a feat. But she did it, and found out that it was indeed very […]

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Nixi Adventure – Don’t Take Treats From Strangers

It was a fine day for a trip to the park, and neither Shuffles nor Nixi were even considering letting it go to waste. Of course, they’d brought their pal, Brandon, who after much convincing and compelling had been persuaded to take them on a grand day out. The nice thing about the park was […]

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Nixi Adventure – Dog at Work

There were so many tunnels now, Nixi was struggling to remember where the toys were being stashed. It didn’t help that the covers and pillows kept collapsing around them as they moved through the maze, but perhaps it did prove to be advantageous for security purposes. No one was going to invade their den and […]

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Nixi Adventure – Countdown

There wasn’t anything Nixi could do now, she was trapped. Trapped in a most comfy place at least, but there was no escape to be found. Perhaps if things had not been so perfectly arranged she would not have been tempted to be in the one spot that sprung the trap. Yes, there was indeed […]

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Nixi Adventure – Race Around the Christmas Tree

There were boxes opened and currently being explored. Nixi could smell the familiar scent of the year. It was a common practice to do such things and Brandon was enjoying the treasures, examining each one as he brought it over to the tree he’d put in the corner. The scent of all the glowy things […]

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Nixi Adventure – Catdog, Master of Disguise

Nixi was baffled by such a thing. Never before had she been in a situation like this before. In fact, it was so strange, she was locked up deep in thought, trying to decide what to do next. This was accompanied by a face that displayed the wonder that was swirling within. Shuffles was not […]

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Nixi Adventure – Bath Tacos

Brandon had Nixi in a full body lock. She wasn’t going to escape this time. No way. It was time for the bath. It wasn’t that the bath was a scary thing, Nixi just didn’t like them. She always came out smelling funny and then there’s the water in the ears and suds on the […]

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