Category Archives: Nixi

Nixi Adventure – To The Rescue

There wasn’t much for Nixi to do here. Really not that much at all. She wanted to do something, but there weren’t really that many options at the moment. Perhaps a wiggle of the ears or a wag of the tail from time to time, but not a whole lot a pup can do when […]

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Nixi Adventure – Very Merry Odd Birthday

Nixi was super excite about all the pals hanging around waiting for the moment. It was going to be such an awesome moment, one bound to be filled with a dog pile shortly after the moment had come. Yes, any moment now, all the pups were waiting for it. But Brandon was holding back, watching […]

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Nixi Adventure – New Park

Brandon had never been to this particular park before. It was a very nice one indeed, with many trees to give shade and green grass to roll around on, along with people and ducks and dogs alike. There were all the things here, and the pups were most excite about the new playplace. They wandered […]

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Nixi Adventure – While You Were Gone…

Shuffles raced around the room, chasing nothing at all. He’d been doing this nonstop for at least twenty minutes. It was probably the sugary donut he had nabbed from off the table. He’d been quick about it, and none of the other pups nor the sitter had even noticed, but the after effects proved the […]

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Nixi Adventure – Adventures In Puppysitting

Nixi and Shuffles were supposed to be good little doggos. That’s what they’d been told when Brandon had left them with the sitter. The instructions had been very clear, they were to be very good, do what they were told, and be happy puppies. Oh, and have a good time. Then Brandon had patted them […]

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Nixi Adventure – Set, and Go!

The park was full of peoples. Lots of them too. If I could count that high, I would tell you. But we didn’t even have enough paws to do so. There were some pups wandering around with their friend, but there was little opportunity for playtime and games right now. There were lights and food […]

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Nixi Adventure – Get Ready

There weren’t that many toys on the floor. Fewer than usual, especially because of the company that was over. Brandon And Nixi had their friends over for a visit and a meal. This was a grand thing, and there was much excite. However, it was not that way before the company had arrived. Prior to […]

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Nixi Adventure – Total Chaos

There was a big commotion in the other room. Nixi and Shuffles had been snoozing soundly up until then, but they were awake now. Their ears darted to and fro, trying to figure out what in the world was going on over there. It sounded like someone was throwing the whole sofa around the room […]

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Nixi Adventure – Spring Smells

The wind was wild, fluffing the fur as it blew across the park. Nixi could smell all sorts of things, but they were so mixed that her nose couldn’t tell what was what. Was it the ducks from the pond? Maybe a little bit of perfume on a pup, and a fresh canister of tennis […]

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Nixi Adventure – Sick Day

Nixi cuddled up on the bed, not exactly totally enthralled with her current situation. She’d woken up early this morning thinking she’d be hungry, but that urge to snack wasn’t there. Instead, her belly gurgled and her nose sniffled and her ears felt funny. Something wasn’t right, and her normal peppy attitude was diminished. Brandon […]

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