Category Archives: Tails

Dog Journal – Entry 219: Dog Store

We were going on a trip together! I love it when my friend takes me along with him for a nice trip to somewhere. I don’t think it matters where, just so long as it’s not to the doc’s office. And I’m pretty sure today is not the day for that because we had my […]

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Dog Journal – Entry 218: Bush Tail

I realized that my tail is always following me. This is not always a problem, but it does get annoying sometimes. I’ve been stuck, caught, and even blamed for things jumping off the table before because of my tail. So yeah, it’s gotten me into trouble more often than a cat naps. Perhaps the biggest […]

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Dog Journal – Entry 217: Doggy Doc

It started out with the rain yesterday and now I got the sniffles. This is not exactly fun, but at least my nose is wet. However, my pal thinks this is a very big deal. In fact, it’s so major that I’m sitting in the doc’s office right now. Yuppers, no matter how many times […]

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Dog Journal – Entry 216: Wrong Side of the Bed

I woke up this morning and things were not the way I would have preferred them to be. There were too many things going wrong with all the stuff right from the start. I even considered going right back to sleep and starting over, but even that didn’t really pan out. First of all, when […]

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Dog Journal – Entry 215: Going to The Big Water

My friend has taken me on the trip. Normally, we’d just be going to the park, the same ball and a fine walkies through the park and such. But today, we had some extra stuffs, like a baggy, like a doggy baggy full of some cool toys and other things. I had no idea what […]

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Dog Journal – Entry 214: Sneakster

My friend doesn’t really like my super special ability of being sneaky. Sometimes I like to hide in places where my friend won’t find me. And it’s not so I can stay sneaky…it’s so I can hop out and surprise. Yes, I like to do the surprise thing because it’s great. I love to hide […]

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Dog Journal – Entry 213: The Biggest Fan

I checked on my pal again, double checking that he was still where he was supposed to be. I’m a good puppers and keeping an eye on my friend is a really big deal to me.  You see, my friend tends to wander off from time to time, perhaps trying to find fun things to […]

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Dog Journal – Entry 212: Spring Air

There’s a thing that I really enjoy, however it is not a thing I can see nor can I have it. It’s just a thing that hangs around from time to time, tickling my whiskers and fluffing my tail. My friend tells me this thing is simply the wind. I like this thing, but it’s […]

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Dog Journal – Entry 211: Number One

If there’s one thing that I do not like doing, it’s losing. I’m the winner, I like winning. But alas, I cannot always do the winning. So I’ve learned to get better at everything I do, and just to make sure I give it everything I got. When I do that, I know I’ve done […]

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Dog Journal – Entry 210: Dealing With Cats

I have found that I can sometimes get what I want, despite what other popular opinions have tried to convince me. You see, there is more to being a dog than just good looks a fine fur coat and the power of the puppy stare. Yes, there is a clever dog hiding underneath all those […]

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