Nixi Adventure – Fall Festivities

halloween-1725783_640The park was full of people enjoying the cool air of the evening. Most weren’t playing their regular games though. Instead, they were enjoying the lights and excitement of the festival, playing odd games and laughing as silly artists made a show of their tricks and skills.

Nixi didn’t really understand what was so entertaining about it all, but she was intrigued by the crowd of people itself. After all, where there were lots of people, there had to be some delicious snacks.

Brandon carried Nixi through the crowded areas, nodding and grinning at those that complimented his furry friend. His goal wasn’t to mingle, but to get to his destination. You see, he was on a mission. Nixi didn’t know what that mission was. She was just along for the ride, enjoying the sights and sounds and smells. Oh yes, there were smells a plenty. Food.

But Brandon wouldn’t listen to Nixi’s reasoning. They’d pass someone offering some tasty food snacks, but there wasn’t any time for that according to Brandon. He moved onward through the crowded walkway, pausing only on occasion to ask a question.

Nixi didn’t understand what they were supposed to be looking for or where they were supposed to be. But it seemed like there was some sort of schedule to keep. Her friend was not usually like this. Normally, they’d have stopped by now and done some fun stuff by now. Not so true today.

The pair wiggled past a group of people standing around watching a man do tricks by juggling fruit. Nixi concluded that the man was simply confused as to which one he wanted to eat. But her advice fell short and few gave her an ear.

After a lot of searching, Brandon appeared to finally find what he was looking for. Nixi listened in while Brandon talked with the man, apparently negotiating something that Nixi couldn’t quite make out. This is pretty normal when you consider that dogs do not fluently speak people-talk. But then again, people have an even harder time learning to understand what a dog is barking about.

After some friendly discussion, the man nodded his head and gave Brandon the okay to do whatever they’d been discussing. Then Brandon ascended the steps and plopped Nixi down on the ground.

Here, Nixi discovered what everything was about. While the people outside had their own festivities, there was something just for her played out in an arena. Toys littered the ground, other pups played with one another, and people stood round about, watching and cheering their furry friends race about through obstacle courses.

Nixi looked out as others watched the pups play like it was entertaining. It was a strange thing for her. She’d never really thought about it, but when she played or wrestled with a sock or pillows or even trying to get the door open (don’t tell anyone but she’s almost got it mastered), it made others smile and grin.

So Nixi began to play, racing around and chasing other pups as they had fun together. All the while, they entertained the crowd of onlookers, who while not players themselves, enjoyed the amusement of seeing a few friendly pups simply having fun and being silly.


Jason Duron is a short story writer and author of several fiction stories. Curious and lovable as dogs can be, the Adventures of Rocky, Nixi and Dante give you a chance to see daily life from a “dog’s eye view” and share in their thoughts.  Please enjoy, and we hope that you’ll feel free to comment and give us insight into your dog’s very own adventures.