Dog Journal – Entry 101: Nosing Around

dog-838281_640If there’s one thing a dog should totally avoid, it’s getting in the way. There’s a lot of things you can get in the way of and get away with it, but there’s one way in particular that you will get yourself into the way of trouble.

Recently I noticed something. Nosing around too much when your pal is working gets you into trouble. I don’t know why…I mean, I was only trying to help. But it turns out that some things a dog just can help. I know we’re good at cleaning and defending the home against the evil vacuum, but do not try to help fix things around the house.

Take for instance, I was simply trying to see what was up with my pal while he was fishing around under the sink, and then water sprayed everywhere. Not a good help. Besides, it involved taking a bath, so it wasn’t cool.

My best advice when you find things broken or your pal is trying to fix them, disappear. Especially if you’re the one that broke it. Number one place…just around the corner. You see, there’s a reason for this.

Be stealthy, but don’t let them out of your sight. This is mainly because when things are supposed to be getting fixed, more things get broken and your pal tends to do funny stuff like dance around and talk to things that can’t speak back.

But be sure not to let anyone know what you’re up to. I don’t know why, but it tends to upset your friend even more if they find out you’re using them for entertainment purposes (even though they do it to you all the time.)

The one thing you can fix around the house is your pal’s bad mood. Just nose right on up and offer a free snuggle. No treat required. It’s free. You’d be surprised at how well a dog is at fixing something like that.